
4510 CPU… C65 heart

The Commodore 65 had as its beating heart an innovative CPU called the 4510, which was born as an evolution of the 6502 line via the 4502. The addition of new operating codes and improved clock performance led to an evolved CPU representing the point jewel for the era of 8-bit processors with 3.54 Mhz speed. The designer was engineer …

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Christmas 1990: Commodore 65… er no… Commodore 64GS.

Dear Friends, here is a very sad story. Read further and you will understand Christmas 1990 was shot through with rumors that the release of the successor to the Commodore 64 was imminent. The Commodore 65 was peeping out in its prototype version in trade magazines and we all waited with anticipation. Unfortunately, however, the project was delayed and burdened …

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Commodore 65 and Mega 65

The MEGA65, a modern and complete revival of the Commodore 65, is a preliminary review in this video. It is part of a batch of only 22 prerelease units (the one in the video is number 15) intended for members of the development team (including me).

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Commodore 65 – the label

What has always characterized our beloved Commodores is the identifying front label. Distinctive sign, sign of belonging to that group or the other depending on the computer owned. Also evidently a source of pride for the collector especially if it is a prototype. Another thing of great value is the serial label; never mind the electrical specifications…those well…they are of …

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Commodore 65 and… MEGA65

As I described in a previous article the Commodore 65 remained in prototype status only to be lost in the sands of Commodore’s bankruptcy. The series of prototypes designed and produced were acquired during Commodore’s bankruptcy auction by the Grapevine company, which resold them at retail. We are still talking about incomplete devices, however. Instead, in 2015 a group of …

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Commodore 65 – the story of a computer that was never born

The year 1982 saw the production of a computer that marked the history of computing and literally invaded homes around the world. Commodore, already a nascent computer electronics giant, put into production a mind-blowing computer for the time with audio – video features never seen before. The Commodore 64 equipped with the ability to move portions of the screen independently …

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Commodore 65 resurrection

Commodore 65: Let’s do it work with incompatible chipset This article written by Giorgio Guagnini, that many thanks publicly to the technical ability and the undoubted tenacity in getting results at first sight impossible, tells the story of a veritable resurrection of a Commodore 65 motherboard, processor and video chipsets in the correct versions. An impossible task that only the …

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